Saturday, July 24, 2010

August 2010 "Sketchings"


“Dancing with the Stars” and “So You Think You Can Dance” are two extremely popular TV series. They capture the imagination of a “nobody” becoming “somebody.” They capture beauty, partnership, flow and movement. They capture the wonder of being with another person and enjoying the gift of their life and passion.

The whole idea of “dance” could apply to many situations in our lives. Obviously, there is the dance of relationships – marriage and friendships – where we want to tend to relationship with our words and actions, our commitment to daily compliments and expressing love and affection. There is the dance of our playtime where we engage in activities with others, giving our full attention to our participation in the event and our role in that event. There is the dance of work and the market place where we give and take and share on a team to give a full day of our energy and attention to the particular project/activity in which we’re engaged. There is the dance of building up a family where we share chores and experiences and built memories together at the same time finding ways to say “you’re special and loved.”

Now take the next step with me to acknowledge that all of life is a dance. In fact, life is a dance with God. Our faith is a dance with God. It is a dance with “THE star.”

Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be yours as well.” Jesus said, “Have no fear little flock, for it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

In our humanness, we see some of this as being a bit too “religious.” We are quick to shrug it off. We are quick to not invest in this faith thing. We are quick to follow the perceived power of our own way, of our own direction for life. For some reason we want to be “the star” of our own dance. Ultimately we find that this simply doesn’t work so well for us.

Why doesn’t it work? It doesn’t work because a dance involves two. The dance of life and faith involves dancing with “THE star”.

You see, everything in life relates to God. God is at the center. God gives us life and breath, gravity and wind. God gives all the little things we take for granted like our heart pumping and our muscles responding to our brains. God gives us comfort and hope. God gives forgiveness, a fresh start and a second chance. God is right smack in the center of everything we do (see my blog on camp and my sermon for 7/25/10).

To pursue the “dance” theme, it is God became our “partner” when God created us. It was God who took us by the hand and blessed and loved us from even before our birth. It was God who gifted us and blessed us and invited us to the dance of life and the dance of faith.

Why is it, then, that we’re so quick to leave God at the sidelines and dance alone?

So, this is an invitation to dance with God. It is an invitation to dance with “THE STAR”. In dancing with God, you’ll have a faithful partner and guide. You’ll find new truth about your life. You’ll know what it means for a sinner to become a saint. You’ll see the Kingdom that God brings for you, your relationships, your recreation, your job and your emotional life. You’ll discover the truth in “have no fear little flock for it is the Father’s good pleasure to bring you the kingdom.”

Dance with “THE STAR” and you’ll never want to dance alone. Dance with “THE STAR” and you’ll never want to dance alone.

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