Friday, December 31, 2010

Playing in Baptismal Waters:

Yesterday we had a baptismal service for Owen David. What was "fun" was that as soon as we were done with pouring the water "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." Owen wanted to play in the water. Splash it with his hands. Dance in it with his feet. Get wet and have fun.

Somehow, "playing in Baptismal waters" could be an image for all the baptized. Would that we would so delight in God and the gift of grace that we'd get all wet with God's abundance, God's love, God's mercy. Would that we would be so attached to our Baptism and our Baptismal family that we'd find no more delight than playing, dancing and splashing with God and God's people. Would that our baptismal identity would have us getting all wet, moment by moment, for our mission and ministry.

Someone said that baptized people are "walking wet" - connected to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:1-6) - living in the wash cycle of conviction, confession, forgiveness and submission to the Spirit. "Walking wet" (aware of our Baptism) in every relationship, every business dealing, every choice, every decision, every ministry and in every other aspect of our lives. "Walking wet" is a wonderful image for our lives of Baptized faith.

And I rather think God delights when we find those kinds of ways to play in God's Baptismal power and grace!!