Thursday, March 10, 2011

“Spring Training”

While driving the other day, I was listening to reports on professional baseball’s spring training camps. The conversation was about the “basics” that the teams were practicing that day: soft lob throws, fielding dribbling ground balls, keeping the foot on the bag while catching a ball, hitting balls off a tee, fielding easy pop flies. I was taken by the fact that these seasoned players, with probably thousands of these skills accomplished over a lifetime of play, were spending their time practicing the basic skills of the game. These professionals, who have moved above hundreds of others in the game of baseball, are spending their time and energy doing fundamental, even kindergarten (hitting balls off a tee) drills.

Of course, the truth is, no matter how many times one has successfully accomplished a skill, one needs to get back to those basic skills in order to build the foundations necessary for game day situations and for skills that are more complex and difficult.

I think we all understand spring training and pre-season camps.

But when it comes to our faith life, we seem to act the exact opposite. We seem to believe that when we have learned the fundamental skills can coast for the rest of our lives. We somehow think we can be a “professional” in our faith with the things we learned in Kindergarten or third grade or fifth grade. We seem to think that there is no need to return to “training camp” once in a while to brush up on the fundamentals of prayer, devotion, Bible reading. We don’t want to let anyone think that we should be working on the fundamentals of worship, generosity, service or witness. We seem to quickly reject that notion that it would be helpful for a quick drill on being loving, friendly or passionate Christians.

You know, the church has its own version of “Spring Training”. It’s called “Lent.” Lent is a time for professional believers to take a bit of extra time to brush up on the basics. To return to the Lord who is full of grace and mercy and deepen the ties we have with our Lord. It is a time to practice the basics of a few of the disciplines of our faith – worship, prayer, Bible reading and study, generosity (see our Lenten Devotional booklet), service and witness. It is time to review the basic and fundamental event of our salvation – the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Lent sets the tone for brushing up on the fundamental principle of faith – as humans we are imperfect and we depend on the love of a perfect God to save and redeem us. Lent is an opportunity to wrap our arms around the fact that Christ has already wrapped his arms around us. It is a fresh new time to re-acquaint ourselves with ourselves and a chance to re-frame ourselves as a children of almighty God.

Professional ball players brush up on the fundamentals of the game to give them the foundation for a “winning season.” Professional believers use Lent as a time to brush up on the fundamentals of faith to insure the depth of faith that wins over sin, death and the power of the devil and brings us to the title of victory in everlasting life.

Here’s hoping to see you out and about for “Spring Training.” Here’s hoping to join you in the basic, fundamental process of being who we are called to be, the beloved of God.

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