Monday, August 1, 2011

“Why the Lutheran Message Isn’t Popular”

It is no secret that most Lutheran churches (as well as other “mainline” denominations) are not the most rapidly growing churches around. But there are many congregations that are growing rapidly.

Recently there have been questions about the type of “christianity” / ”discipleship” encountered in these “fast growing” churches. There has been a move toward changing lives, transforming faith and commitment to a discipleship walk with Jesus. Growth in depth for most Lutherans has replaced the goal of growth in numbers.

In the Lutheran tradition the gospel message is different. Instead of focusing on numbers and doing whatever it might take to appeal to large crowds of people, most Lutherans will focus on our rich tradition of preaching something called a “theology of the cross.” Martin Luther first used this phrase during the Reformation in contrast to what he called a “theology of glory.”

A “theology of glory” focuses on “me.” Jesus Christ becomes a means to our own end. It is a way to be successful, healthy, beautiful, morally superior, patriotic or even wealthy. A “theology of glory” “uses” the Bible to support our own preconceptions or ideals and provides easy answers fro some of life’s toughest questions. Jesus comes to us “prepackaged” for our convenience and people crowd in to get a piece of the action.

But a “theology of the cross” sees the Good News (Gospel) of Jesus Christ differently. That’s why the Lutheran message isn’t so popular. At the cross, the crowds scatter and Jesus is left alone. There, on that lonely hill, God enters fully into the human experience of suffering and shame. The God of the cross is not one who magically transforms us into happy and beautiful people. Rather the cross reveals the true depth of God’s love for the world. A “theology of the cross is all about GOD. It is not about “me.’ Through the fullness of Jesus and his willingness to remain faithful even to death, sin loses its power to determine our future and by the resurrection of Jesus form the dead, hope is born into the world in the most powerful way possible. Nothing can separate us from God. We are joined to the divine life through Jesus so there is never a “God-forsaken” moment in our lives! We do not need to escape suffering ... for god provides the power and the nourishment to OUTGROW IT.

The growth we need as Christians is growth through the message of the cross. It isn’t a popular message. It doesn’t attract crowds. However, this growth is real. It is life-changing. It is powerful and real. A “theology of the cross” is brutally honest about the way life is, but it also provides a promise that sin and death and suffering will never have the last word. Our fate is not up to us. It is up to God ... and God has so loved the world that he GAVE his one and only Son so that we might be saved from all that we need saving from.

Claiming and receiving this Gospel into our lives provides a freedom and a power to grow in ways we never imagined.

I’m trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit to lead us all to grow deeper roots in the Gospel of Jesus. I’m praying for movement in our lives from a “theology of glory” to a “theology of the cross.” I’m trusting in the power of the Spirit to lead us to grow as people of faith in our love for others, because of our love for Jesus.

We may not attract “crowds”, but we will attract PEOPLE. People who long to know that God loves them, forgives them, frees them from the past so that they too might walk in a “newness of life” and know the joy of God’s grace.

People longing for this Gospel power will never be served by a “theology of glory.” A “theology of the cross”, though, will change their lives.

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