(This is Owen on a happier day!)

The message I got through the walls and through the tears was that only Daddy could resolve this situation.
As I lay there, in a half-awake, half-asleep stupor, it occurred to me that I’ve faced a lot of situations in my life that only my Heavenly Father could solve. I’ve walked paths (and erred and strayed from paths) that needed “Daddy cuddles” to get me through. I’ve found myself in times that were fearful and uncomfortable where I needed the solution of the power of the Almighty “Daddy” to clarify and make right. I’ve been in those situations where I’ve realized (sometimes late at night or late in the process) that I couldn’t take care of it myself and that I really needed to turn it over to God. There have been times when things weren’t right and only the loving arms of an eternal God could bring the peace that I was so desperately seeking.
So, I’m thinking, I need to recognize, as Owen does, the wonderful grace of “Daddy cuddles” and the power and promise of God’s loving arms that embrace me every moment of my life in His grace!
Very nice.