Monday, April 9, 2012

"Personality of the Passion -- 'Mary of Magdala!"

Mary Magdalene. Just saying her name evokes Hollywood images we’d rather not talk about. This popular image of Mary Magdalene has been told and retold in countless ways in art, poetry, sermons, movies like “The Last Temptation of Christ” and “Jesus Christ Superstar”.

The problem is, the images simply are not true. Mary is mentioned seven times in the gospels and in none of them is there any indication of Mary being an immoral woman. She is spoken of with fondness.

So, how did she get such a reputation? Part of the problem is her home town. Magdala is known for being a city of fabric, feathers, fish and flesh. So, by association, Mary gets a bad reputation. Furthermore, this Mary is often merged with an unnamed “sinful woman” who anoints Jesus’ feet with oil and Mary, the sister of Lazarus, who also anoints Jesus with oil.

What we do find in the Gospels is that Mary is the only figure whose presence is recorded in all four Gospels as being among the first witnesses to encounter Jesus after his resurrection. This is the truth Mary tries to tell as we hear her story from her thoughts and perspective.

In order to hear Mary’s story from her perspective I’ve created this “Letter to the Editor” for The Jerusalem Daily Post, several weeks after Jesus’ resurrection, AD 33.

I know what you think. What is “that woman” doing writing a letter for the “Public Pulse”. But I hope you’ll give me a break. I hope you’ll at least listen to what I have to say.

Several weeks ago, there was a crucifixion of an innocent man. He was a man that I had followed and traveled with for much of the three previous years. This man was believed to be “The Son of God.” At his death, he was buried, too late on the Sabbath eve to receive a “proper burial.” I was there to see him laid in that borrowed tomb.
In light of the fact that his burial wasn’t “proper” as soon as I could, when it was light enough to do so, I joined two other women to go to the tomb to do a proper anointing of Jesus’ buried body.

Really, I don’t know what we were thinking. I don’t know what we thought we’d really do there. In our culture, tombs are sealed up tight with a large stone rolled in front of the doorway. It is virtually impossible to get in. Who did we really think would be there to help remove the stone from the door of the tomb so we could do the work we intended to do? Furthermore, how did we think we were going to get the tomb sealed up again?

But when we got there, the stone was moved away, and his body was gone. Where this man had lain, sat a man, I think he was an angel. He had a message. The man we had buried had risen from the dead. The angel said he was alive, living, raised!!

Jesus, God’s Son, always taught that he would be put to death, buried and on the third day be raised from the dead. Indeed, it became true. Indeed, the tomb was empty, the stone was rolled away. Indeed, Jesus was displaying yet another miracle. Jesus was becoming more and more an instrument of the power of God. Jesus had fulfilled what God had promised, new life.

To be public about our truth, we were scared to death. We were so confused we were bewildered. And we were afraid, very scared. Here we were three women witnessing something extraordinary. And there were no men there to collaborate our story. Indeed, you, dear reader, might not believe much of this. “A woman’s tale, what does she know?” you’ll say – if this even gets published.

So we didn’t say anything. Not at first. We told the men in his group but they didn’t quite know what to think either.

But since then, they have seen him alive. WE have seen him alive. What he said has come true. He died, was buried and has risen from the dead.

That’s why I’m talking these weeks later. The men aren’t ready to admit this, but it was me who was the only one to accompany Jesus through these last days and hours. The others had deserted him or hidden in shadows. But I was there. I accompanied him to the crucifixion. I saw him die. I was there at his burial. I was among the first to see that the tomb was empty. And I have experienced his risen presence.

No one else can say that – man or woman. No one else can speak with authority about the resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God. No one else has my perspective, my truth.

And let me say this. It is true. I’m telling you the truth. I’m telling it now, publicly, here. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. And Jesus, the one thought to be dead, by the power of His father been raised from the dead, just as he said it would be.

And let me say this, whether you read this now, or by some miracle a couple of thousand years from now, it will be my witness to all of these things that will become a foundation for what is already a budding group of people who not only believe, but understand an Easter faith.

It is true. Jesus did rise from the dead. I saw it all. I was there. He is risen. He is risen indeed.

I was afraid then. I was too afraid to speak. But I’m not afraid anymore. I want everyone to know the truth. He rose just as he said he would.

So, whether you want to believe me or not, he is alive. God’s Son walks alive on this earth. Because he lives, I have a new life.

No let me tell you. When you hear the words, when you come to believe, your life will be changed to. You will know that death does not have any power. You will know that the grave is simply a door to eternal life. You will know, believe and proclaim the truth: Jesus is alive. Christ is risen. God’s promises have been fulfilled.

A true believer
Mary of Magdala

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