Friday, June 22, 2012
Worship in a Cave
Have you ever had the chance to worship in a cave? How about a cave in which Christians have gathered for worship for more than 1,500 years?
While we were in the Cappadocia area of Turkey last month, we had the chance to gather our small tour group in a cave that was sufficient for just a few more people that what we had in the group. A small cave carved out of the old deposits of a volcano has provided a place of worship for persecuted Christians. It was an humbling place to gather and sing "Amazing Grace" (the acoustics? AWESOME!!) and to proclaim the glory of our freedom in Christ and our freedom to worship. The cave isn't used regularly today as a worship site. In fact, if our tour guide hadn't have known "the guy with the key" we wouldn't have gotten in for this experience. Once inside, it was obvious that someone comes regularly to tend to the flowers on the altar.
As you ponder your weekend, I'd invite you to think about where you want to gather in worship. It will be no cave, for sure. Nor will you have to know "the guy with the key." Thankfully, we're free for more than all of that.
Blessings, and thanks for stopping by....
While we were in the Cappadocia area of Turkey last month, we had the chance to gather our small tour group in a cave that was sufficient for just a few more people that what we had in the group. A small cave carved out of the old deposits of a volcano has provided a place of worship for persecuted Christians. It was an humbling place to gather and sing "Amazing Grace" (the acoustics? AWESOME!!) and to proclaim the glory of our freedom in Christ and our freedom to worship. The cave isn't used regularly today as a worship site. In fact, if our tour guide hadn't have known "the guy with the key" we wouldn't have gotten in for this experience. Once inside, it was obvious that someone comes regularly to tend to the flowers on the altar.
As you ponder your weekend, I'd invite you to think about where you want to gather in worship. It will be no cave, for sure. Nor will you have to know "the guy with the key." Thankfully, we're free for more than all of that.
Blessings, and thanks for stopping by....
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Moving in Faith
While in Turkey last month we traveled to the central section, the Mediterranean Coast, not so far from Syria. We were at the ancient city of Seleucia. If you aren't familiar with that place, it is an important seaport in the life of St. Paul and Barnabas. The whole story is in the first verses of Acts 13. The important part of the story is that it was from here that the mission work of Paul (and all of essentially all of Christianity) launched into the larger world.
(The photo at left is the "Old" Harbor with some piers still visible. The photo below looks to the North West with the current Harbor visible at the end of the beach.)
Part of what struck me from this vantage point was this, Paul and Barnabas launched out in faith into an unknown sea, trusting only on the leading of the Holy Spirit of God and their confidence in the power of the resurrection to change lives in Jesus' Holy Name! Little did they know where God was going to lead them. They had no idea the wonderful things God would do through their faith and confidence. Wow! oh Wow!
This has led me to give some thought to the question, "What 'sea shore' am I standing on today?" Where is the Holy Spirit inviting me to launch out into unknown waters with only faith in the leading of the Holy Spirit and confidence in the Resurrection of Jesus? Is it the nudge to pick up the phone and call my friend and ask for forgiveness? Is it the longing in my heart to be able to confront a friend regarding their destructive behavior patterns? Or is it the deep sense that I ought to make a trip across town and get more deeply involved in meaningful ministries to hurting neighborhoods?
My point is that the place to which I go from this "sea shore" might not be so profound or far away. But what remains is that it might be just as formidable as what Paul faced in Seleucia a couple of thousand years ago. And, just like Paul, what we have to go on to launch out into this unknown sea is the same thing Paul had: The leading power of the Holy Spirit and confidence in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.
Are you ready to sail?
I'm believing that I am....
(The photo at left is the "Old" Harbor with some piers still visible. The photo below looks to the North West with the current Harbor visible at the end of the beach.)
Part of what struck me from this vantage point was this, Paul and Barnabas launched out in faith into an unknown sea, trusting only on the leading of the Holy Spirit of God and their confidence in the power of the resurrection to change lives in Jesus' Holy Name! Little did they know where God was going to lead them. They had no idea the wonderful things God would do through their faith and confidence. Wow! oh Wow!
This has led me to give some thought to the question, "What 'sea shore' am I standing on today?" Where is the Holy Spirit inviting me to launch out into unknown waters with only faith in the leading of the Holy Spirit and confidence in the Resurrection of Jesus? Is it the nudge to pick up the phone and call my friend and ask for forgiveness? Is it the longing in my heart to be able to confront a friend regarding their destructive behavior patterns? Or is it the deep sense that I ought to make a trip across town and get more deeply involved in meaningful ministries to hurting neighborhoods?
My point is that the place to which I go from this "sea shore" might not be so profound or far away. But what remains is that it might be just as formidable as what Paul faced in Seleucia a couple of thousand years ago. And, just like Paul, what we have to go on to launch out into this unknown sea is the same thing Paul had: The leading power of the Holy Spirit and confidence in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.
Are you ready to sail?
I'm believing that I am....
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
For Fathers
I hope that all fathers had a happy Father's Day. The role of father is the most challenging and rewarding role that we men carry in our lives. For my part, I'm grateful for my father, his example and his support, his encouragement and his quiet stead love. His example helped shape me in wonderful ways.
I know the same to be true for many men, and for the generation that is following.
I found this little quote today.
A Man's Children
A man's children and his garden both reflect the amount of weeding done during the growing season.
How true! Thanks Dad, and Dads....
A Man's Children
A man's children and his garden both reflect the amount of weeding done during the growing season.
How true! Thanks Dad, and Dads....
Friday, June 8, 2012
Growing Wheat - Turkey Style
A few weeks ago during our tour of the country of Turkey, not far from the ancient city of Tarsus (the hometown of the Apostle Paul), we embarked on an adventure to find an ancient "Roman Road" toward the top of a mountain. We found the Roman road. It looked like this...
Just off to the side I found a wheat field. I ventured into it to check out the crop. While I was there, I took a look at the "soil", more rocks than earth.
How amazing God is. Preserving a road that is more than 2,000 years old and right alongside, providing food and bounty for the people who tend to the earth and "till" the soil.
Thanks for stopping by. And if you draw some other conclusions from this illustration, please post them in the "comments" section.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Roads Closed
It happened to me again a while back. I was driving along and came upon a "road closed" sign. However, I wanted to go down that road so I ignored the sing, pulled around it and plodded down the road, only to come to a place where, indeed, the road was fully closed. So, I made my way back, around the sign and on to my destination via another route.
As I pulled around the "road closed" sign the second time, I though that the sign should say "I told you so!" on the back side. I doubt that I was the only one who had made this little adventure past the sign. And I doubt that I'm the only one who doesn't take such signs seriously from time to time.
Thinking about my walk with God, I can identify several times in my life when I've ignored God's "road closed" signs. Times when I've ventured down the roads of my choosing rather than the roads God would lead me. Times when I've ventured "off road" to explore only to find that my explorations were not fruitful for God's kingdom work. Fortunately, I've never heard God say, "I told you so!", but surely that would be the truth.
These days I'm trying to be more attentive to the signs as I move along my faith journey. I'm working on the faith to obey when I discern a "road closed" message, and to be responsive when the roads lead in funny (in my mind) places.
Thanks for stopping by "Sketchings" today.
And thanks for sharing the faith road with me.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Eternal Mansions
While Teresa and I were touring Turkey last month, our tour group had us staying in some quite luxurious hotels. Not the kind of hotels we normally frequent, but top notch, classy, impeccable hotels with the amenities to go with it.
One night while I was trying to catch up from my jet lag (that means lying awake trying to get back to sleep) it occurred to me that when Jesus talks in John 14 about eternal mansions, the image he is using will put five star hotels to shame. God promises an eternal mansion that isn't just luxurious, but included the "amenity" of being in His eternal presence, in the eternal home he's prepared for us.
"Where Magic Happens"
One thing that is true for me, and maybe for many others, is that I don't like to get out of my comfort zone. For example, I'm not so excited about heights. But once in a while I'll step out of my "grounded" comfort zone to experience something new. And it is always magical.
That's why this illustration resonated with me.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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