Friday, November 30, 2012

An Advent Thought

I’m easily entertained.  And I’m a latecomer to the “smart phone” generation. 

So, when I learned that one can say to Siri “I love you!”  She will respond, apparently from a set of pre-programed responses.

So, when I’m bored I simply push my smart I phone button and say, “I love you Siri”.

Her responses have been things like:
            “I respect you, Tom.”
            “You can’t, Tom.”
            “That’s nice, Tom, but it just won’t ever work.”
“You don’t even know me, Tom.”
“All you ever need is love, and your I phone.”
            (All along I thought, “All I need is love.”

So I wondered the answer to a different question.  “Do you love me, Siri?

Siri’s responses have been things like:
“Does apple make I-phones?”
“I respect you!”
“Look, a puppy!”
                        (I didn’t see that one coming.)

To be sure it opens a space for fun.  It opens a space to laugh and be surprised.

This weekend is the start of the Advent season.  Advent is time that is out of step with society (that already believes its Christmas).  Advent is a time of expectation and preparation, a time of waiting and reflecting.  It is time that puts into focus the best love that is out there, the love of God that came in a baby, a baby that grew and matured and followed the leading of the Holy Spirit to give His live for us all. 

In the middle of all the business and preparations.  It the middle of a societies’ Christmas gone amok, Advent holds open a space.  It holds open God’s space.  The space into which God can come as promised.  The space into which God, who has come so wonderfully already, can find a new home, a bigger space, a deeper root in our live.  A space into which the Kingdom that begins now in us can find a home to grow and move.

In this space called Advent we don’t have to play games to be assured of God’s love.  We simply rest into the space that holds Advent promise, Christmas hope, and Eteranal grace.

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