Friday, April 2, 2010

The Legend of the Pelican -- An Update

Tonight as I was meditating during our Good Friday Worship, I was looking at the black frontal for our altar. What I noticed was the very image I wrote about in "Sketchings" is the image for our black altar frontal -- a white pelican with her beak in her breast feeding three young with the blood that is issuing forth.

Because of the way out front space is arranged, many probably can't see past the front altar table to the Altar frontal.

Sometimes, it's worth the walk to take a look at the beauty and symbolism of our paraments which are the ornamental items which hand on the altar, lectern and pulpit.

Other times, it's worth being in one of those front chairs just to be able to see and take in all the symbolism and drama that happens around the altar. Tonight was one of those "other times."

Isn't it so wonderful that God loved us so much that he'd rather die than live without us? Isn't it awesome that God would pour out his own self for us so that we can live?

With praise and thanksgiving to our Lord, Jesus, the Christ.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Legend of the pelican story and image.
    It is really so visually powerful. Thank you!
