In contrast, I think of my lawn irrigation system. While those sprinklers work in circles too, they are arranged to "overlap" in ways that allow the whole lawn to receive life giving water. When we set up lawn sprinklers we aren't so concerned about territory. We are more concerned about getting water across the whole lawn and for most of us it doesn't matter much if we get some water on a neighbor's lawn or theirs on our lawn. The result is usually a nice green lawn for all involved. No dry lifeless corners.

I have a colleague who speaks of the "silo" view. The view is like what is seen from the airplane over central and western Nebraska. Areas are covered with life but other areas are left dry and more lifeless. My colleague applies the "silo view" to ministry. That is, sometimes we get so concerned about our "territory", our "property rights" or the area of our responsibility that we only act for and in a particular "circle". When groups, committees, ministries, work with a "silo" view, there are spots of life, but there are also areas where ministry isn't being provided, or if it is, the ministry is only "run off" from the areas inside the "silo" circle.
To move away from the "silo" view, ministries need to overlap, link hands together for a common goal, be aware of the places where teaming up could be more life-giving to the whole community, the whole of God's people. Moving away from a "silo" view benefits all with better use of resources, opportunities to "team up" (see previous post) and places to break down the barriers growing out of differing personal preferences and experiences.
The ultimate result is that a larger area of life, community, city, state and world is well watered -- watered with the life giving water of Jesus the Christ, who is living water for our lives, our faith and out spirit.
One of my goals for ministry is movement away from the "silo" view. I'm looking for others who will walk with me to link hands to life giving to all.