Thursday, November 4, 2010

Encouragement: Have it, Do it, Be it!

The other day I heard one person tell another "You have the gift of encouragement." It was a high compliment to a person who is able to offer the right words that become affirmation and encouragement for another person on life's journey.

Indeed, encouragement is a gift. It is listed among some of the spiritual gifts given to God's people.

On the other hand, encouragement is one of the "natural laws" which governs relationships and our well being, just as there are other "natural laws" that govern our world. These laws are predictable and reliable. It is one of the gifts that we need to both give and receive. We need to bask in it's luxury while also being quick and generous in giving it away.

Here are some thoughts that might help make encouragement a more natural part of who you are and what you are.

One of the "natural laws" is that you cannot give away what you don't already have. Encouragement is one of those factors. One has to start with having it. And having it has to do with a decision to look at the encouraging side of living. It is to let those who want to be negative and pessimistic make their own choices. But the encourager can be one who uses the words "Yes, but..." in positive ways to not stop with what's wrong with life, but to look past the darkness to call attention to the light. It is sort of like seeing dark clouds in the sky and being able to look past them to see the beauty of the sun on the cloud tops, or the wonder of the lightening in the clouds or even the miracle of rain and wind. One can start by filling one's own spirit with a positive outlook. With a positive outlook, one can start to give away what one has built in one's own life.

Resolutions are so easy and quickly broken. Just think about New Year's past. This time the start doesn't have to be a false start or a failed resolution. Encouragement isn't limited. There isn't just so much to go around. It is not the kind of thing that needs to be hoarded. There is enough to go around, and always more where the first batch came from. In fact, encouragement is almost like a breeder reactor. The more encouragement is used, the more it creates. It comes back in far greater measure than how it was given away. Encourage another person and they've been given fuel for living. Pat them on the back and a friendship has been created. Keep urging another person to greater success and one's own sphere of influence has been extended. By being an encourager, one becomes party to the growth and expansion of the life of another person.

You know, it doesn't take long in looking back on life for one to pick out a number of people who had positive influences on the path of life. It might have been a parent, a teacher, a mentor, a uncle or aunt or even a pastor. It was the person who said just the right words at just the right time which made all the difference in a decision that turned out to be life changing. Picturing that person, decide to be that kind of person. Put on encouragement like a top coat. Get all wrapped up in it. Don't think of leaving home without it. Never start a new day without thinking of one other person to encourage. And then be the encouragement you want to be.

Life does matter. Each of our lives counts. They count for much more than we really ever know. Each of us, by sharing the gift of encouragement, can change lives, influence negative forces and make a difference even into the lives of people we may never have a chance to meet.

You are blessed. You are claimed by God. You are gifted with life. And all is good!


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