Monday, November 29, 2010

A Little Bit More; A Little Bit Less

A tightrope walker will tell y0u that the main ingredient in making it from one end of that wire to the other is balance. You can have the neatest costume. You can have the most radiant smile. You can produce the best "show" on earth. But take away balance and you'll find yourself heading no where but down.

Sometimes I have the feeling during this time of the year that everything is out of balance. There just doesn't seem to be enough time or energy to focus on and take care of the things that really matter. There just doesn't seem to be the right balance between doing and being, preparing and being ready, taking care of the outside distractions and tending to the work of having a spot in my heart for Jesus.

At the same time, Jesus is the individual who is the best example of balance. From the words that he spoke to the ways in which he inter-acted with people, Jesus was always seeking balance. When he had the face the Pharisees, Jesus had the right balance of words and tone to make the point. When the disciples were clamoring to get the best place at the feet of Jesus, Jesus had words about "being servants first." You see, Jesus was showing in these (and other) aspects of his ministry that it is important to have a natural balance in life. To say it another way, God and humans are made to work together. God created humans and life to have a natural harmony that brings a sense of completeness, joy and well-being to this thing we call life and this journey we call living.

However, it doesn't always work out that way. I can attest to that. You probably can too. Sometimes it just seems impossible to find that right balance. And, just when we think we've got it, something happens to throw everything off. The result, for many of us, is that we don't see this "something" as a gift. It is more like another distraction and we might respond in a variety of ways: internalizing anger, ranting and raving, or pouting and hiding in a corner. Of course, all of those strategies compound our sense of being "out of balance".

So, is there a solution? Is there a way to find this balance that makes life work. Well, I think so.

It begins by asking God and yourself for a little bit more:
...more patience, more understanding, more forgiveness, more willingness to let go and "let God", more attempts to find God's way in what we are doing, more alertness to the many ways in which God is seeking to speak to us, more openness to God's presence in the here-and-now, more trust in Jesus, more moments for prayer, more generosity, more moments to just stop and say "thank you" for the abundance God has given us.

It continues by recognizing that there are some areas where we could do with a whole lot less:
...less anger, less jealousy, less worry about most things, less feelings of self-pity, less being distracted by distraction, less business, less trying to suck it up and do it on our own.

A little bit more and a little bit less, that's the way we can move toward the balance we were created for. That the way to begin to find the joy God intends for us. That's the place where we can begin to find the full meaning of the power and promise, leading and guiding of the God who gives full meaning to life.

T. O. M.

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